Ensuring worker creativity and a sense of fulfilment

Ensuring worker creativity and a sense of fulfilment


Employers face ‘creativity’ challenge, not worker apathy

Just 4% of workers say they are doing the ‘bare minimum’, suggesting that when it comes to their happiness ‘quiet quitting’ is not the issue. Instead, a lack of purposeful, creative and fulfilling work is the problem. The desire to do more rewarding and stimulating work is there, with 64% saying they would find work more enjoyable if they had time for creative tasks.
Research conducted by Opinium, on behalf of Ricoh Europe, captures the thoughts and feelings of 6,000 workers and 1,500 decision makers across the UK & Ireland, France, Germany, Italy, the Netherlands and Spain. It reveals that while two-thirds (65%) of workers say they are enthusiastic about what they do, there remain frictions and roadblocks to them becoming more fulfilled. 
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